Measure your preparedness.
Willow Labs provides science-driven risk analysis to wildfire preparedness professionals to help optimize, evaluate, and communicate community safety projects.
WIldfire preparedness professionals lack access to science-based tools and quantitative resources to help them plan, evaluate, and communicate the impact of home hardening campaigns, defensible space programs, and landscape-level fuel reduction projects.
Willow Labs provides agencies with data-driven ways to track, optimize, and report on risk reduction goals. Using leading fire science, Willow’s tools custom analyses move you beyond project-management metrics to provide deep insight into spatial, temporal, and thematic trends in wildfire risk.
Trusted By:
Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority
Defensible Space Analyst
Deep insights from your defensible space inspection data. Uncover trends in private-parcel risk and track them over time. Assess spatial differences in homeowner preparedness. Run what-if scenarios to understand the effectiveness of investments in home hardening and defensible space.
Willow Studio
Fast, efficient cloud-based wildfire growth simulations that use real time or simulated wind data to help land managers and fuels specialists understand hazardous fire paths, identify impacted communities, and prioritize treatment plans.
Custom Services
Data analytics to help you prepare for the wildfire threat in your juristiction.
Private Parcel Risk
Data science and statistical analysis highlight the wildfire risks posed by vegetation and construction materials.
Fire Behavior and Growth
Willow works with agencies and local governments to produce detailed fire behavior analysis, including burn probability, flame length, rate of spread, and more.
Evacuation and Egress
Develop and evaluate egress plans and identify bottlenecks likely to be affected by spreading fire.
Fuel Treatment Project
Understand the risk mitigation potential of approved and proposed landscape-scale risk reduction projects.
Scott Farley
Founder and Chief Scientist
With almost ten years of experience as a data scientist and wildfire modeler, Scott co-founded Willow Labs to bring contemporary data science and mathematical modeling techniques to the wildfire domain. As the wildfire crisis deepens, quantitative approaches to estimating wildfire risk that incorporate vast amounts of remote sensing and ground-collected data abound. As Willow’s Chief Scientist, Scott is singularly focused on operationalizing the best available science and developing novel data-driven risk assessments that provide unique insights to local governments and other wildfire stakeholders.