Building community resilience through data science.
As wildfires pose an increasing threat to communities across the globe, detailed, science-based, hyperlocal analysis of wildfire threat is critical to protecting community safety. Willow offers community planners and fire departments a rich set of analytical capabilities to track the effectiveness of mitigation projects, prioritize risk reduction campaigns, and holistically assess fire risk at the parcel level.
Using a suite of advanced machine learning models, Willow’s Community Risk Analysis platform helps planners dynamically assess a community’s complete risk profile, providing maps, graphics, and statistics to deeply understand the threat and facilitate stakeholder engagement. From multi-year, landscape-level fuel treatment projects to defensible space and home hardening, Willow helps quantify the community safety impact in scientific, defensible, and explainable ways.
Wildfire modeling when you need it.
Willow providers fire departments and responders the tools they need to understand wildfire spread, behavior, and values at risk. From preparing annual strategy to real-time tactics on large incidents, Willow provides agencies with rapid, science-based assessments that help make better decisions.
Learn more about Willow for Wildfire Operations
Community Safety Dashboard
Benchmark and track key metrics around community wildfire. Take your risk reduction projects to the next level by quantifying safety improvements rather than just effort metrics like acres treated. Set goals and have real evidence to support stakeholder engagement.
Home Hardening and Defensible Space
Home hardening and defensible space are critical tools in the wildfire risk reduction arsenal. However, it’s often difficult to quantify the tangible impacts of these measures and even harder to rank and prioritize risk mitigation activities at the parcel and community scales. Willow’s toolset allows planners to assess structural vulnerability using Defensible Space Inspect (DSI) data and develop robust strategies for funding, outreach, and enforcement that maximize limited resources.
Community Spread
House-to-house and the potential for community spread is a critical threat to WUI communities. Willow helps planners assess areas where spread through the community is likely, incorporating parcel-level factors, such as defensible space and home hardening, to form a comprehensive probabilistic model of community spread. Quantitative analysis helps you focus risk reduction efforts on the parcels that matter most – where mitigation projects will have multiplicative effects.
Multi-scale analysis
Fire agencies can approach risk reduction in many ways, from large-scale fuelbreaks to outreach campaigns aimed at increasing the proportion of homes with ember-proof vents. The challenge is to mix these strategies into a plan that provides the highest level risk reduction while remaining within a limited budget. Willow’s Risk Analysis platform can help weigh the tradeoffs between landscape-level and parcel-level campaigns. Using advanced models of home vulnerability and monte-carlo simulation, Willow can help to prioritize a list of proposed projects, evaluate the efficiency of past mitigation projects, and even suggest new risk reduction projects for consideration.